people's genuineness.
If you value the team, the team values you.
These words were inspired by a Māori saying: “if you value life, life values you”. It resonated with me. The same is true for a team environment since it is a living space. If we decide to serve the team first as individuals, the team will nurture us in many ways. It will connect us to who we are deep down, to the talents we have by essence, and to the freedom we need to express it the whole way through.
It all starts with the human dynamic we are willing to create within our team. It requires openness and mutual trust to reveal people’s genuineness. Moments of adversity shape us, reinforce us, and reveal us from inside if we feel safe to share them with our peers. Creating such a breathing space for people to express their opinions, feelings, and emotions freely is at the heart of what we do. Losing or winning, being good or bad, isn’t what counts really.
We’re all on a learning journey. Performance is just a consequence of a healthy and supportive group dynamic. All the stakeholders must be aligned to plant the seeds of their team culture. Then everyone owns the common project, and can bring their spark to make it happen and grow on the field.

Team sports and organisations share a point in common.
They are made of human beings who want to live good moments together and transcend themselves through a common project. These environments can play a growing role in shifting the energy of our world by reconnecting us peacefully to the nature we are part as living beings.
Every human being opening and evolving consciously contributes to the rebirth of our humanity from inside. The genuineness of everyone serves the fullness of the team. More than ever, we need role models, and change makers to flourish, love and inspire through their behaviours. Every time we adopt the right posture as team coaches, leaders, or members, we build trustful relationships with our peers, and create a bond leading us to our original light and unity.
Teamfullness offers an external view for individuals, organisations, and teams to connect, reveal their human potential, and unleash their own magic.
The 3 Pillars of Teamfullness
The beauty of every person comes from their imperfection.
Humility requires sweat and perseverance in the pursuit of any goal.
Open up to magic
Good surprises come out of good people.

Our conferences provide an insight of what we believe is right for individuals, teams, and organizations to flourish humanly speaking. Our approach may then meet your needs, opening the door of coaching sessions or leadership workshops.

Coaching aims at revealing the human potential of teams and organizations to unleash their own magic. It can be done both ways, through:
Team coaching, creating a safe space to get the team talking freely to cocreate a consistent human alignment, and converting it into concrete actions to move forward together.
Individual coaching, supporting team members to find their inner balance and connect to their primary motivation to better serve the common project. It can also be done outside of any team.

Our workshops provide with effective tools for teams and organizations to improve as a living space. They aim at helping your leaders to connect them with their purpose, improve in their posture and in their decision-making to become better captains for their teams.
Individual coaching allows us to support human beings in their evolution based on their own needs. We build a growing trust together that gets deeper and lighter up until he or she is ready to fly on his/her own.
Sport is emotion. It is a human adventure. It is therefore paramount to create an emotional bond and clarify the common project of the team before speaking of the pitch itself.
Organisations need to be meaningful in a world where people are seeking for sense to share a common project. If people feel valued, they will value their team and wet the jersey the best they can.

Nicolas Meeùs
With a background in law and management, I have had the pleasure to play for the Belgian national rugby team (30 caps) and experience both moments of euphoria and frustration. I have come to know and accept myself within the beauty of my imperfection. A set of beliefs emerged from these genuine and heartfelt experiences.
Hence, I founded Teamfullness in 2018 to support individuals, teams, and organisations, and provide them with what I had been lacking during my career: an emotional shoulder to lean on.
Since, I have been exploring and growing along people’s needs on the field. I have been developing and designing a simple, intuitive, and organic methodology. I combine it with complementary inputs from neurosciences, the DISC, and lessons learned from the Peter Koenig System.